Web Portfolio





  • Redesign
  • Billboard Locator
  • PDF Spec Sheets
  • Multiple User Roles


The new Key Outdoor Inc website was built in two phases. In the first phase we did a complete redesign of the public facing portion of their website. This was a pretty straight-forward static website that used their new grey, white, and red color scheme. The design came as a result of a lot of collaboration between the Hanson developers and the designers at Key Outdoor.

Once the new design was implemented we began work on a billboard locator service. For the billboard locator we set up an administrative section of the website where Key Outdoor administrators can manage all of the billboards in the system. Once the billboards were all imported we used google maps to plot them on an interactive map. The map displays nearly 800 billboards, each with multiple panels. Users can click the billboard locations on the map to see additional details and photos about the selected billboard, as well as download a PDF Spec Sheet of the billboard. The design of the PDF spec sheet was also a collaboration between the Hanson developers and the Key Outdoor designers and both parties are very satisfied with the end result.

The site also features multiple user roles that have varying permissions on the website. Anonymous users can only see a limit set of information about each billboard, however, Key Outdoor clients, sales representatives, and administrators have unrestricted access to the billboard locator.