Project Highlights
Pennell Forklift came to Hanson looking for a website redesign as well as a way to manage the content on all of their pages. They were also looking for a way to maintain an online inventory of all of their equipment. After assessing all of the requirements, we decided this project was a perfect candidate for the concrete5 content management system (CMS).
We completely redesigned the website from the ground up, implementing the new black and chrome color scheme that Pennell started using on their service vans. It was very important to Pennell that their slogan, “The most important thing we can do each day is to earn your trust”, was a big part of the site, so we created a top banner that included this slogan as well as information about both of their locations.
Using concrete5’s in-context editing system, Pennell can easily edit the content of any page on the site. We created custom blocks for staff members and job postings to streamline the process of managing staff and jobs, as well as maintaining a consistent look on those pages.
We also extended the concrete5 Composer feature to allow Pennell staff to easily publish new pages for their equipment. Using this system they can easily maintain their equipment inventory. Each piece of equipment is its own page, so even though they are all uniform, custom changes to equipment can be made on a per-page basis. On the public side of the equipment inventory, we created an advanced search feature that allows users to filter equipment on attributes such as Type, Price, Capacity, Tire Type, etc. Currently Pennell is managing over 150 equipment pages throughout this system.