It has been a while since we have had the time to make changes to the company website. Needless to say, we finally found that time, and we are delighted to present the new and wonderful! We would love to take a moment to explore and explain our proccess and our passion, making websites.
Rome was not built in a day and neither was the new Hanson Information Systems website. We rebuilt the website from its very foundation, uprooted, and moved on to newer and better technologies. It wasn't just an aestehetic choice to redesign. An outdated website can really obstruct a company’s credibility, and we found that out first hand.
Knowledge is power…
Redesign typically begins with questions.
What colors can we use? Who will use our site? What pages should we have? Where do we even start?
So it should make sense that redesigning is fueled by answers. To ensure we had the most accurate information, we had to make sure we could find the answers to some of these questions. Webdesign does not begin with keyboards and computer chips. It begins with a solid knowledge base of three very important ideas.
- Your clients
- Your company
- The rest
Our Clients
To better understand our current and potential clients, we had to review what parts of the website they used and understand why they frequented those sections. The easiest way to find this information is through website statistics and analytical data. Luckily, we have this information.
Ask about starting your project with Google Analytics
Our Company
It was pretty evident that the information on our website was outdated. Some of our services were no longer offered, and many of the services have grown exponentially. We knew a redesign would have to focus on two things, potential clients and current customers. Fitting all of our services into this equation was no cake walk, but at the very least we had enough information to make and validate a decision.
The rest
This is the technical part of website creation. It takes time, a dash of intuition, and a whole lot of style. Luckily, our highly trained and educated staff has the knowledge to make the right decisions. Web development isn’t just our job, it’s our passion.
A step in the right direction…
Some designs are brilliant from the very first draft. We were not that lucky. Our process of redesigning the website went through many iterations and drafts before we finally found the right fit.
An older design draft
Part of the process is rethinking even the smallest details. Color scheme is often overlooked, but a good set of colors can really make a website blossom.
It took a combination of accurate information, inspired design, and hard work to make the right decision, but we eventually picked the design right for Hanson.
Lorem Ipsum…
It is often difficult to work with an empty website, and the question “what comes first, design or content” has plagued designers for a very long time. At Hanson Information Systems, we prefer to start at the beginning, and sometimes it’s just easier to make something up, put some paint on the canvas, put some content in its place. That is when we turn to Latin.
Lorem Ipsum text is often used as placeholder text. Recently, more exciting “Ipsums” have popped up here and there, but the purpose remains the same. This text is an important part of development as it allows developers and designers to continue developing even if the content isn’t ready.
Like the design, our pages often undergo changes not unlike a growing adolescent. Sure there is some confusion and fear in the unknown, but there is one absolute requirement to follow when redesigning a website.
Never be afraid of change.
3, 2, 1 Blast Off…
Our new website is not the end of the story but marks the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Hanson Information Systems. We will continue to grow and change with our clients and with technology, and we hope that you will join us on that journey.
Web Development
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