Happy Holidays from Hanson Information Systems


Technology and the Holidays:
A gift guide for 2017

This year we thought we would do things a little differently than we have. Our shopping list this holiday season comes from Tech Crunch, and it's a little different than most shopping lists: while most lists are simply that, this one is broken down by recipient. Here are some highlights.
Click here for the whole list.


Many hardware vendors offer end of the year promotions on equipment purchases. If you are considering a purchase, let Hanson help with the process and explore savings through vendor partnerships.
Organizations benefit from Hanson's ability to offer end-to-end fulfillment services, which involves oversight of the entire procurement process. Services include evaluating needs, researching solutions and vendors, negotiating quotes for optimal savings, order entry, delivery, and installation.
Contact Hanson at info@hansoninfosys.com or
1-888-245-8468 to discuss your equipment needs.

Hanson Makes Holiday Donation in Honor of Customers

To celebrate the holiday season, Hanson Information Systems has made a donation in honor of customers to the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln (CFLL).

This tradition, which began in 2009, is one that originated during a period of economic hardship for many in our communities. It seemed particularly fitting during that time to find a way to give back to those in need. Making a tribute donation truly resonated with Hanson customers and has now become an annual tradition.

The CFLL funds many worthy causes in Central Illinois communities to support the homeless, hunger projects, education, animal issues, the environment, senior citizens, parks, social services, and many other valuable efforts.  Additional information on the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln can be found at www.cfll.org.

Wishing everyone a wonderful
holiday season! 

December 2017

In this Issue
Technology and the Holidays

End of Year Savings

Hanson Holiday Donation

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