Hanson Headlines – Windows XP Ending Soon

The End is Near for Windows XP

Support Ending April 8

From an article on CNN.com

On April 8, Windows XP's life is coming to an end.  On that day, Microsoft will stop issuing security updates to the 12-year-old operating system and it will cease nearly all technical support as well.

You wouldn't think that killing off an operating system that debuted in the first year of the Bush administration would ruffle too many feathers, but an amazing 29 percent of computers across the globe are still running Windows XP, according to NetMarketShare.  That makes it the world's second most widely used operating system, just behind Windows 7.

Microsoft's plan to end support for XP doesn't mean that a third of the world's PCs will just stop functioning on April 8 - but there are some very real consequences of continuing to use the operating system.

Continue reading at CNN.com

Need Help Migrating From Windows XP?

Microsoft offers suggestions to migrate from XP, provides resources, and answers frequently asked questions on their website.

If you need additional assistance and/or would like to discuss options for your organization, Hanson Information Systems is available at support@hansoninfosys.com or 1-888-245-8468.

March 2014

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