Hanson Headlines – Password Protection

The Pains of Password Protection

From an article on PCMag.com

We live in a password-driven world, where between four and twenty characters are the difference makers in whether you're able to access your data, communicate with friends, or make your online purchases.

The problem is that passwords should be different everywhere you use them and that can make it difficult to remember them all.

If a password is truly strong, that makes it even more difficult.  That's why there are some tips and tricks to take control of your terms for access.

Continue reading at PCMag.com


More Security, Fewer Passwords

With that being said about passwords, there may soon be a decreasing need for concern with using them, if predictions from the most recent International CES are true.
Among all the shiny gadgets at the International CES, software often gets short shrift, especially unglamorous software for things like authentication.

But advances in authentication may do more to change the way you use your devices and buy items online for two reasons:  the advances make devices and data more secure and best of all, could mean the end of passwords. 

Continue reading on NYTimes.com

Hanson Awards Referral Program Donations

The recipients of Hanson's Holiday Referral Program donations include:
  • Girls on the Run of Central Illinois
  • The Matthew Project
  • Cornell School - Technology Department
Congratulations to these very worthy organizations!

First Quarter 2014

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