Hanson Headlines – Holiday Issue

Season of Giving

Hanson Makes Holiday Donation
in Honor of Customers

Hanson Information Systems is pleased to be able to give thanks and give back this holiday season.

In an expression of gratitude to customers, Hanson has made a donation to the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln (CFLL).

The CFLL puts dollars back into Central Illinois communities to support hunger issues, homelessness, the environment, education, the arts, senior citizens, animals, parks, social services and many other worthy local causes.

More information on the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln can be found at www.cfll.org.

Wishing a joyful holiday season to all!

Win $500 Charitable Donation with Hanson's Holiday Referral Program

Hanson customers are eligible to receive a $500 donation to a local charity of their choice by providing business referrals.  The top three highest number of qualified referrals from a client will be awarded a $500 charitable donation in their honor.

The program began November 25 and will run through the end of 2013. Referral forms can be found by going to Hanson’s website at http://hansoninfosys.com/referrals.  Winners will be announced during the week of January 6, 2014.

Hanson’s Holiday Referral Program helps to reach out to potential business customers in need of IT assistance, while at the same time continuing Hanson’s ongoing commitment to invest in Central Illinois communities.


December 2013

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