Why Outsourcing Data is on the Rise

Running a data center can be expensive and labor-intensive. That's why businesses are increasingly turning to third parties to handle the work in what are known as colocation facilities. Colocation, an alternative to traditional in-house data center approaches, allows businesses to benefit from the economies of scale that come from sharing power, cooling and data center floor space with other tenants, while still allowing each user full control over the equipment. The colocation approach works for enterprise IT in the same way that shared offices are ideal for individual entrepreneurs - neither wants the hassle and cost of setting up and maintaining their own space. Many companies see the value of colocation and are taking steps now to make it part of their IT strategy. Read more at Forbes.com
Hanson's Data Center
Organizations interested in a safe and secure facility to store their data can look to Hanson Information Systems. Hanson's state-of-the-art data center is specifically designed to serve as a colocation and disaster recovery facility. Businesses can have the assurance that their data is backed up and easily accessible, should the need arise. Hanson's technical professionals monitor the data center around the clock and are always available to provide assistance to customers. The features of Hanson's data center include:
- Power backup generation with UPS Feed A & B
- Multi-homed, redundant network
- N+1 redundant data center cooling and climate control
- Secure cages, cabinets and suites
- Proactive system management
- Multi-facility redundancy
- Facility-wide fire suppression
If you are interested in exploring colocation services for your business, contact Hanson at info@hansoninfosys.com for more information.
SUMMER 2015: Where in the World is Hanson's Hat?
The Hanson hat continued to travel by visiting the home of Stephen King in Bangor, Maine.   (submitted by Nora Klein, Illinois Public Health Association) The hat also made some interesting stops in Eastern Florida.   (submitted by Craig Dober, Hanson Information Systems) Even pets are inspired to explore technology when wearing the Hanson hat...  ...but they also know how to relax while on vacation at the Lake of the Ozarks!  (submitted by Professional Eyecare Center in Macomb)
There is still one more month to enter photos for the Hanson Hat contest. Please send submissions or hat requests tojennifer@hansoninfosys.com
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