I'm not sure about you, but all this talk of internet security has been making my head spin! Now, I don't want to give the impression that security is an unimportant subject all of a sudden - on the contrary! But it also seems like a good time to shine a spotlight on some of the other things we do. So in this issue of Hanson Headlines, we'll take a look at Web Design and Development, taking a closer look at the distinction between the two. Also of note is a short video on concrete5, our Web Team's preferred Content Management System (CMS). And if that weren't enough, we get to take a trip back in time to view The Original Website, the first of its kind to be published on the then-burgeoning World Wide Web. At Hanson, we have a dedicated Web Design and Development staff with thorough education and real-world experience. Interested in putting a new spin on your web presence? Call us today to talk to a member of our Web Team about your online needs.
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