Hanson Headlines - Website Design and Development


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I'm not sure about you, but all this talk of internet security has been making my head spin! Now, I don't want to give the impression that security is an unimportant subject all of a sudden - on the contrary! But it also seems like a good time to shine a spotlight on some of the other things we do.

So in this issue of Hanson Headlines, we'll take a look at Web Design and Development, taking a closer look at the distinction between the two. Also of note is a short video on concrete5, our Web Team's preferred Content Management System (CMS). 

And if that weren't enough, we get to take a trip back in time to view The Original Website, the first of its kind to be published on the then-burgeoning World Wide Web. 

At Hanson, we have a dedicated Web Design and Development staff with thorough education and real-world experience. Interested in putting a new spin on your web presence? Call us today to talk to a member of our Web Team about your online needs. 

Web Design Versus Web Development

See those two silhouettes above? That is a simplified visual depiction of what has become a somewhat over-complicated matter: web designer versus web developer. And that's understandable because often you will find many firms have people who do both like we do here at Hanson.

But the basic rule of thumb is that a web developer will work on the back end or behind the scenes things, like coding or hosting, while a web designer works on the way a website looks. Both jobs hold equal importance when it comes to choosing a firm for your next web project.

Read more from Purely Branded.
There are many CMS's out there. But not all of them are created equally. At Hanson, the CMS of choice has long been concrete5, and for good reason.

To hear our staff talk about it, there are myriad reasons, chiefly among them security concerns and ease of use for editing content.

In the video below, the team from Walczak.IT demonstrates the differences in editing capabilities and ease between Concrete5 and WordPress.

Note: There is music but no speaking during the presentation, so feel free to leave your speakers turned off.
Interested in concrete5? Call us today to discuss the features of the CMS with one of our Web Team Staff.

Off Topic
The First Website

Do you remember the time before the internet? More importantly, were you "plugged in" when the first website went live on the World Wide Web?

Regardless of your answer, let's back the clock 25 years, all the way to 1992 and bask in all of the minimalist glory of the very first website, courtesy of Tim Berners-Lee.

Read more from Business Insider.


In This Issue:
Everything You Wanted to Know About Websites (but Were Too Afraid to Ask)

Web Design Versus Web Development


Off Topic -

The First Website

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Web DevelopmentWeb HostingWeb DesignConcrete 5websites