Hanson Headlines - The Virtualization Interview
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Virtualization: An Interview with
Systems Engineer Craig Dober

Hanson Data Center

Virtualization is a trend in cloud computing that many businesses have been considering. In this month's publication, we sit down with Craig Dober, Systems Engineer at Hanson, to pick his brain about virtualization, what it means for business, as well as what Hanson Information Systems is doing.
Hanson Headlines: Hi Craig. Thanks for sitting down to talk with us today. What is virtualization?

Craig Dober: My pleasure. The simplest explanation is that you can take a number of smaller, or outdated servers and combine them onto one host machine.  Each individual virtual machine appears to be an entire physical server for all practical purposes but is not tied to any physical hardware.  This allows for lower costs since many small servers cost much more than one big server.

HH: How is virtualization an effective tool for business?

CD: From Hanson's point of view, it allows us to charge much less for a dedicated server that doesn't need many resources.  It also means we can move the virtual dedicated servers to new hardware, usually with zero downtime from the customer's point of view.   There are much more robust backup solutions for virtual machines as well.  We can backup the entire Virtual Dedicated Server and spin up a completely new copy, either on the same host or another host.  This really simplifies and speeds up disaster recovery.

From a business/office perspective, an office with 2-10 existing servers/desktops with various services..."


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An Interview with Hanson Systems Engineer Craig Dober

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