Ransomware and Backups
 In the hyper-connected world in which we are living, it is simply a reality that businesses are at risk from cyber-attacks. Unfortunately, small businesses are at the most risk - but that doesn't mean there is nothing you can do. Backups are the number one way to protect your business from infection, but is one backup simply enough? How often should businesses be running backups? What files should and should not be included in these backups? Click here to read more.
Hanson's Security Solutions Hanson Information Systems' team of highly trained and dedicated technicians can assist your organization to protect all of your important data through data backups, system monitoring, and anti-virus and anti-malware software. With this in mind, here are five suggestions to remember when it comes to minimizing your risk for infection:
- If you are still using Windows XP, migrate off as soon as possible - Hanson sees ransomware infections most commonly in businesses that have not yet migrated from this now obsolete technology.
- Establish backup procedures - Businesses that have utilized backup services (either through onsite technology, offsite services or via the cloud) are typically able to recover their crucial data and can often avoid having to pay the ransom demanded.
- Anti-virus software - Having current virus protection software is a basic necessity, but not necessarily a barrier to ransomware as it cannot prevent a user from opening malicious files.
- Utilize cloud technology - Cloud computing is becoming increasingly appealing to businesses as a form of backup service. As security researcher Brian Krebs wrote recently, "Cryptolocker might be the best advertisement yet for cloud data storage systems."
- NEVER open unfamiliar attachments - While this has always been recommended, it is more important than ever with the growth of ransomware, which is most often downloaded as an email attachment or link in an email.
Details on Hanson's Security Services can be found here or by contacting Hanson directly at 1-888-245-8468 or info@hansoninfosys.com. Off Topic Bad Habits You Must Eliminate from Your Daily Routine |
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