Hanson Headlines - IT Security

Are There Cracks in Your Security Foundation?

Security is a game changer for business operations. If you want to take advantage of the benefits of technologies like mobile, cloud, and big data, then security should be the number one priority. Without a secure foundation, businesses are vulnerable to attacks.

Hackers often see small and midsize businesses as low-hanging fruit that can provide a gateway to more lucrative targets. As businesses become more interconnected, information from one business can be used to gain access to another.

These questions can help assess the current state of a business' IT security foundation:
  • When did you last perform a security audit of your business functions?
  • Have you installed the recommended patches and upgrades for all devices that access your data, including employee mobile devices?
  • Do you update business policies to match current threats?
  • Do your employees know how hackers gain access to private data?
  • Do you enforce strong password use and two-factor authentication?
  • Do you have an incident response plan if an attack occurs?

An assessment such as this can reveal weaknesses and a solid security foundation will force criminals to look elsewhere for a hacking opportunity.
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Hanson's Security Solutions

Hanson Information Systems can work with your business to strengthen IT security and ensure data protection. Hanson's security services include:

Security Assessments
Vulnerability Scans
Systems Monitoring
Firewall Implementation
System Patching
Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware Software
Server Protection Systems
Hosted Email Packages with Encryption

Details on Hanson's Security Solutions can be found here or by contacting Hanson directly at 1-888-245-8468 or info@hansoninfosys.com. 


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