Hanson Headlines - Innovations in Technology
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August is a milestone month for Hanson Information Systems! This year we celebrate our 20th Anniversary, and one thing is certain: In the course of these 20 years, much has changed. We began providing dial-up internet service throughout Central Illinois. Now we are primarily a business-to-business provider with customers throughout the United States.

We have seen Internet companies come and go. Telecommunication providers have changed names, structure, and service level. Technology poised to be “the next big thing,” has been replaced by advancements few could have imagined in 1997. Throughout the last two decades, it has been our goal to provide leading, experience-driven customer service. Longevity, stability, and knowledge equal a strong technology partner in the ever-changing IT industry. 

Rebirth of the PC?

No, the PC didn't die. But in terms of advancement, not a lot has happened in recent years, leading industry analysts to wonder if the platform's days were numbered. 

Well fear not, friends! Between solid state drives, AMD's new Ryzen processor, and the updates to in and out connections to USB-C and Thunderbolt-3, it seems as though the tech world has finally caught up with the idea that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) really are here to stay. Read more from Tech News World.

At Hanson: We have the longstanding, preferred-status relationships with many manufacturers to help your business get the best hardware and software at the best price. In need of  new equipment or software? Call us today!
Website Responsiveness
Imagine this scenario for a moment: you and a friend are having lunch and your favorite product comes up in conversation. Your friend isn't familiar with it, so in a state of surprise, you bring up the product website. What do you find? A poorly designed, cumbersome website, which is enough to turn your friend off from learning more.

The website mentioned above is not considered to be a responsive website, meaning it's not designed to work across multiple viewing platforms. And unfortunately, it's not an uncommon problem, particularly for small businesses.

The good news is that if you or someone you know has a website that is not responsive, it doesn't need to be that way. 

At Hanson: Website development is a specialty of ours, and we're particularly proud of our Web Development team. From the initial development to launch and hosting, Hanson is a full service stop for websites. Is your website in need of some updates? Call us today.

Off Topic
Saving a GIF in Bacteria

See that moving image above? For those of you who didn't know, it's called a GIF, and scientists have successfully "uploaded" that exact one into the DNA of the e. coli bacteria. Now why would anybody want to use bacteria to store data, and why use the image of a man riding a horse from the late 19th century?

Partly because it's an interesting and novel way to store information, but more importantly, scientists hope to use the GIF and how the bacteria's DNA "sees" it to track changes to cells over time. Read more from the BBC.


In This Issue:

Rebirth of the PC?

Website Responsiveness

Off Topic -

Saving a GIF in Bacteria

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