Hanson Headlines - Cloud Computing Considerations

Is Cloud Computing Right for Your Business? 

There's no question--cloud computing is today's buzzword.  But after the hype, what is the real merit to this new business model?  Is it right for everyone?  Is it right for your firm?

Put simply, cloud computing means to outsource some or all of a business' computing functions to an outside provider, utilizing their resources (both infrastructure and staff) rather than their own.  Web-based software is one application of cloud computing.  Online file storage and sharing is another application.

Cloud computing is a fundamental paradigm shift from the on-premise computing model, where the end-user (a small business such as yours) purchases their own in-house IT platform (servers, backup systems, software, and so forth) and retains an outside IT professional (such as an IT consultant or MSP) to manage it. In contrast, the cloud service provider (sometimes called a CSP) provides and manages all hardware infrastructure and some software licensing.

(Continue reading at UptimeSystems.net)

Five Benefits of Cloud Computing

1.  Low Cost of Ownership
Moving your business-critical data and applications to the cloud can be significantly more cost-effective than maintaining on-site server hardware.
2.  Dependability
When you work with a company to utilize cloud technology, you're not just investing in an off-site storage solution, but also gaining peace of mind.
3.  Scalability
Having a computing solution that can grow quickly to meet the demands of your employees and customers is vital and cloud computing can be easily expanded.
4.  Mobility
When your company’s data is streaming from the cloud, you and your workplace can be productive anywhere there’s internet connectivity.

5.  Future Proofing
As soon as you invest in new hardware or software, something faster or more efficient comes along – but with cloud computing, this becomes a frustration of the past.

(Continue reading at PCWorld.com)


Hanson's Local Cloud

One consideration with cloud computing and backup services is knowing where and how your data can be retrieved, should that need arise.  Clients can be assured that in the event of a disaster or system failure at their place of business, Hanson can have their backup information to them in the time it takes to download and transport the file - typically within a few hours.  This is not the case when a cloud backup resides halfway across the country... or the world, for that matter.  

Hanson provides an enterprise grade cloud hosting environment for critical client applications.  Systems such as Microsoft Exchange, database server and any other third party applications can be hosted at Hanson's secured data center for faster access.  And with a state of the art data center, Hanson can guarantee 99.9% up time and provides service level agreements.    

With Hanson's cloud technology, client's key software systems are kept up to date, available and managed for performance by our technicians - which ultimately results in a reduction in IT expenses.  This service provides improved reliability, availability, scalability and security of client IT systems with the client always having access to a team of product and technology experts.

Call Hanson today at 1-888-245-8468 for more information on cloud technology


September 2014

In This Issue:
Cloud Computing
Hanson's Local Cloud 

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